"why do u love a foreigner?" "how to know foreigner?"
since so many people ask me about these questions..i think it's better to answer here
i 've been a football crazy fan since 2002 world cup in Japan and Korea                                                                              
and because of that,i started to watch football...
then i met many Liverpool fans when i started to watch England footbaill because Morientis went to LFC
because i watch football, i met many foreigners
in Taiwan,if u ask 10 people,there ll be 4 people who like baseball,4 for basketball..and de other like other sport
and i think that's also one reason why i know many foreigners....
especailly when i go to watch football,i can always find someone who wear de same shirt w/ me 
and it makes me feel that we r friends!!! after all,they sing de song w/ u,support de same team w/ u..like u r de one group
and actually... i met many football fans wherever they come from...

in fact,de first day i noticed Mr.A because he wore de Arsenal jacket!!!                                       
let's talk about my ex-boyfriend who s a basketball fan.
that was 2006 world cup in Germany,i talked to him about world cup
he said Roony is so stupid that he didnt......
i was trying to tell him that i dont think Roony is mean to(althoug i dont like him)...
but he just couldnt stop talking about this and ~
he even said that football is so bored that they only got 1 or 2 goal and why there r people could still watch it
on that time, in my mind i just though
"what do u understand?who do u think u r?how much do u know about football?"
although i dontl ike Roony either,how dare he say so?
so in one month ,i broke up w/ him
not because he spoke Gerrard's name wrong(maybe a little),It's because we have different values
I like football,he likes basketball
everytime i talked to him...is just like u r talking to Beckham about Wang Chien-ming!!! how can he understand?
besides, i m fine w/ that. ican listen about baseball ,basketball or anything..
but i will never criticize!!!
anyway.i dont think i can stand for a person who has totally different values w/ me for long
when i wanna go to play football in holidays,Mr.A ll ask me if i wanna him teach me smth?
instead of telling me : u r a girl so why do u wanna go to play football?
When i go to bar to watch football game,
he always tells me that it's good for me to support my team and meet friends
(maybe he knows my personality so much that he knows that when i wanna fight w/ other team supporter,i ll need a companion?!)
but all my Taiwanese ex-BF would just ask me if there s guy there...>"<
they didnt even care about that my team won or how was de game...
When i told Andrey that i went to de UK,Liverpool to watch de football game
he said ,baby,u r so cool..maybe we can go next time?!
instead of saying ,OH..so do u go to JCB store or buying smth?
My friends ask me" why do u love a foreigner guy?"

because those thing every Taiwanese guys i met cant do
and de one who can do those things came to me,and screw up his courage telling me he likes me
so why should i refuse him just because he is not a Taiwanese?
Dont be silly!!!!

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