這是N大的Z先生寫的信  我很弱...看完以後居然開始大哭....


Hi everybody! ^O^)/ Show wants me to write a "Tender" article... O_o;;
But, I don't know what to say... I'm not tender!! ><...
The only "tender" things I do for her are:
Open doors for her
Carry her stuff (all of it...)
Wash the dishes
Take out the garbage
Give her a massage everyday or whenever she wants
Never require a massage from her
Never require ANYTHING from her... @_@;;
Always agree with her and say she's right
   even when she's not (<--she's still right!)

Whenever she wants to eat some specific food (almost
   everyday), try to take her to eat that
ALWAYS take her ALL THE WAY home and make sure she is safe
Try to spend as much time with her as possible
Try like crazy to never miss any of her calls
   (even when it's three in the morning.._-_;; )
Let her do whatever she wants and remember it's
   always "one-way"
Be manly and do unexpected stuff that she likes
Obey her every command
Treat her as the princess she is!!! (_ _)/
Oh, and Show just told me as I was writing this to add a couple things:
When she passes gas, don't let her feel bad and tell

   her she smells liks paradise...@_o;;
Feel bad whenever she feels bad and happy when she feels happy
Never give up on trying to make her feel better
Let her bite any part of the body even if it's covered with bruises
   from previous bite-attacks...><... ouch.....
I (was told to) suggest that every guy do these things for his sweety.
You might feel like a slave, but that's okay!!! Really! ^^ She might even
decide to say nice things about you (although probably just here on
CCRomance ^^;;;)
Good Luck!!! (^O^)/
Oh yeah, I also do her laundry, fill her cup whenever it's empty, when she's
taking a nap or sleeping always be at her side so I'm the first thing she
sees when she wakes up, when she wants somthing I will try everything to

buy it even though I don't have money, think she's beautiful forever,
never be angry to her, never complain to her, never say bad things to her,
...and actually it's a lot. ^^;;; I can't really think of everything,
but if I do, I'll tell you (if she gives me permission to do so, I mean..^_^).
By the way, sorry for keeping you all waiting for this article~@_@;/

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