we need time to come down

if u feel that u need me so much,we can be couple again

but if  u dont no what to do and what to think....

we can just be friends

because i love you,i cant let u and ur parents be enermy

i know it's hard for you,because it's de same to me...

but we cant do like now

if u r very sure u love me,u can ask me to date to you again

but if u cant make sure of urself and u dont have confidence

then.....how can you think we can overcome everything?

if u dont even have courage to ask me to date w/ u again

then i ll be really broken heart

all i need is u can give me faith and u have faith that we can keep going

i know u dont have it because u told me u dont ...

but when u find that u have it,i'll know u really care about me

that time u will have confidence that we can be together

if u have faith and think we can overcome it,we can do it.

but if u dont even try and u already say no....then i dont know,either

besides even we marry...de one i marry is YOU not your relatives,Andrey

if u do love me..we can find a way to overcome everything.

but if u dont even have courage to face it,our being together only makes u stressful

i love you but i dont want us like this

i wanna be your girlfriend,but it depends on ur choice and decision

please understand me....

if u cant figure out what to do and u dont have confidence to face everything including ur parents,

then i m afraid that i m not w/u now

when you can understand what u want and u can do,i ll go back to you again

i do so because i love you...

and you need to grow up and face it

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