Jimmy Rice 04 May 2007 
Daniel Agger has thanked Jamie Carragher for guiding him through his first full season on Merseyside – and labelled his fellow centre back "the best teacher any young    
                  player can have."

A series of rock solid displays saw the Dane become a firm Kop favourite even before his unforgettable goal in the Champions League semi-final second leg against Chelsea. 

Yet Agger insists such a smooth transition into the first team would not have been possible without the help of Liverpool's number 23. 
"Jamie Carragher is the best defender in the world, and not only this, he is the best teacher any young player can have," said the 22-year-old. 
"It's impossible for me to describe the level of respect I have for him and the way he's helped me in every game."
" 我實在是很難告訴你,每場比賽中我到底從他那邊學到了多少的東西,以及從他那邊得到多少的幫助"
Agger was also touched by the quotes attributed to his counterpart following the first leg against Jose Mourinho's men. 

youngster was criticised in some quarters following an expert performance from Didier Drogba – but Carra was having none of it. 

"You don't need to worry about Daniel Agger. He's going to be a top player for years to come," said the club's vice-captain. 

Agger added: "When I think back to what happened in the first leg, I really don't know what to feel about it. I really didn't feel I played that badly. For some reason, some people decided to say I had a bad game.
"Didier Drogba is one of the best strikers in the world and one of the best I've ever played against. He's one of many strong strikers in the Premiership which makes it such a tough league. 
阿格又說道" 當我回想起第一場比賽時,我真的不知道該做何感想,說真的,我真的沒有感覺自己有踢得那麼遭,但基於一些理由,有些人絕對我踢得很遭"

"I thought Drogba was outstanding in both games, but it's just that everything in football is decided by the result and people never look at what really happened in the game afterwards.
"There are some journalists in Denmark who like to get together and write the same things, so if one person says something they all agree.
"It's just a big media circus sometimes although, in a strange way, the Danish media going against me this time made me more motivated because I'm the kind of person who can show it doesn't matter what's written.
"I'll never be affected by that.
"It's strange for me because the reaction in Liverpool has been so different and positive. A lot of our players have had a fantastic season and our fans are so fair and want to be supportive."
Meanwhile, Agger has spoken of his pride at the team performance on Tuesday night.
"I'm proud of how all the players performed. All of us worked very hard, and best of all we kept our concentration for 120 minutes and made no mistakes, which is very tough at this level against great players.
"It was a great feeling when I scored. I felt amazing. I've never even been to a Champions League final as a spectator, but I know it's a massive game and one I'm really looking forward to."

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